Fascia Science is the fastest way to stimulate innovation, grow your treatment option and reenergize your practice.

Get Fascia Informed!

Creating and Designing Fascia-Informed Myofascial Self-Treatment HEPs, Classes and Workshops

How to Relieve Pain, Tension, and Stiffness Naturally and Start Feeling Better in Just Minutes

Follow along with over 20 videos to experience this gentle yet highly effective method of myofascial stretching to eliminate your pain and tension AND begin leading your own workshops!

You also get the bonus eBook and a live workshop replay to support your learning!

Offer Fascia-Informed™ Self-Treatment!

The Myofascial Self-Treatment Workshop has been my most successful in-person workshop and I assign self-treatment for HEPs daily!

Now YOU can learn to use these techniques too! You don't have to be a myofascial release practitioner to use the principles to teach these self-treatment techniques.

My Journey

For much of my early career I thought myofascial release was the only way to affect the fascial system. As I learned more about fascia science, a whole new world of assessment and intervention strategies opened up and most of them don’t require the use of any manual techniques.

If you are a therapist like me, who has learned myofascial release to help clients, that's fantastic—but it's only the beginning. Stopping at learning just one technique means missing out on many other hands-on and hands-off assessment and intervention strategies available to you and your clients. With a truly fascia science-informed approach, you can address a wide range of issues beyond just pain and mobility.

Believing that hands-on myofascial techniques are the only way to affect the fascia is a misconception. While these techniques can be extremely effective when applied skillfully, the real missing link in healthcare is the fascial system itself, not any specific technique.

My mission is to make the inclusion of the fascial system in our evaluation and intervention planning as commonplace as the inclusion of the muscular or nervous system. By broadening our understanding and approach, we can unlock new potential in client care and improve outcomes across the board.

The Complete Guide to Myofascial Self-Care Curriculum

  Introduction to the Course and the Content
Available in days
days after you enroll
  What are we actually doing and why?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Applying the principles to stretches you can do with basic equipment anywhere.
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Using simple equipment to advance your stretching skills.
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Post stretching and releasing movement recommendations.
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Creating your plan for healing and wellness.
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Translating This Content to Practice
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus Material! Three full length myofascial stretching classes with several new self-care releases!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Quiz and Certificate
Available in days
days after you enroll

Your Investment

Full 90-Day Guarantee!

We know you are busy, so we’ll give you three full months to get through the course.

If after you complete the course, you haven’t learned something new that you can apply to yourself or your practice, we’ll give you a full refund. We are so sure you’ll learn something you’ll use from this course that we’ll give you 100% of your money back. 


You get several bonuses when you take the course.

#1 Three full 1-hour classes I taught live for my clients. Upper body, lower body and common trouble spots. ($60 value)

#2 A downloadable copy of my workbook based on this class! ($30 value)

#3 A replay of one of my live workshops! ($30 value)

#4 A step-by-step guide to creating and teaching your own workshops! ($30 value)

Why do occupational therapy practitioners need this course?

Pain is the top reason given for seeking health care (NCCIH, 2021).

  • Pain is one of the primary reasons clients refuse therapy.
  • Pain slows progress towards goals.
  • Some clients can't take or don't want to take pain medications.
  • Pain is a huge problem!

My clients love having the ability to use these techniques and be less reliant on medications and be less reliant on me.

You can use these techniques in any setting and with almost any client. Many of the techniques can be done in standing, sitting or in bed.

When we can offer something more natural that empowers our clients to manage their own pain, we should do it.

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. (2021, September 22). Pain. https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/pain

Yes, you and your clients will benefit from this course!

As an occupational therapist with thirty years of experience helping people eliminate pain through myofascial release, I'm excited to offer this information online to everyone! I've been teaching this class in person for years. Over and over, I hear how much people love it and continue to use the techniques at home to keep their bodies flexible and pain-free.

Here's what past clients have said about my myofascial self-care stretching workshop:

  • "I really feel relaxed. So glad I found out about tight fascia!"
  • "I now understand how to use all the extra props, and I know why I have tender spots on my body."
  • "This class taught me so much more about stretching out my body. I would recommend it to anyone to help relieve pain." 
  • "Very easy to follow and extremely effective in a very short time."
  • "Wonderful workshop, [I] loved being able to control the use of the props myself and cover every area of the body. I loved learning all about the fascial system and then being able to apply that info with the awesome active stretches. Fantastic from start to finish."  
  • "Awesome tips and instructions for releasing the fascia. I found lots of trouble spots and areas I didn’t even know were tight! I feel like I will sleep like a baby tonight." 
  • "This class provides so many easy-to-do, at-home stretches to help relieve tension and tightness in the whole body."
  • "I ran 7 miles before I came. My hips and lower back hurt. I feel one thousand times better and no longer hurt." 
  • "I didn’t realize there was a better way than the foam roller! The balls in the bag are great!"
  • "I enjoyed learning ways to incorporate these stretches into my daily life in order to be able to continue the techniques I learned even with a busy small family. Thank you!" 
  • "Loved it. I have had chronic pain for years, and this helps alleviate it considerably!"  


Choose an Investment Option


If you are currently using a foam roller and not getting the results you want, this method will get you those results more safely, efficiently, and effectively.

Health and Wellness Practitioners

You'll not only learn how to care for yourself more effectively but also how to instruct your patients to stretch themselves safely and get better results!

Adults of All Ages

This method will help you live your best life by staying flexible and pain-free at any age.

Meet Your Instructor

I've been using the Barnes style of myofascial release with my clients for nearly 30 years. I combine my doctorate degree in occupational therapy with extensive training in myofascial work, ergonomics, body alignment, yoga, natural movement, and stress management to design pain management strategies that work for my clients.

My goal is to empower my clients to create a pain-free, high-quality life!

Live Your Best Life!

I use the methods I teach to keep myself flexible and strong. My main goals as I age are to be able to keep up with my grandkids and to continue the work I love.

Continuing Education Credit FAQ

How many CE hours will I get for completing this course?

We estimate this course will take approximately 10 hours to complete. This includes all the readings, activities and videos.

Will I receive a certificate?

Yes! Once the course and the quiz are completed, you will atomically receive a certificate.

Can I use this course for NBCOT renewal?

Yes! Our courses meet the requirement s for NBCOT Certification Renewal Requirements ID #18 or #19.

Can I use this course to renew my state license?

Our courses meet state licensure requirements. However, these can change, and it is up to each participant to know their requirements. You can find your state by logging into AOTA or searching "your state, occupational therapy, licensure renewal requirements".

The state of Nebraska example:

008.01(B) WORKSHOPS, SEMINARS, WEBINARS AND CONFERENCES. The content of the continuing education activity must relate to occupational therapy whether the subject is research, treatment, documentation, or education management, and includes monitored videotapes, and in-service programs. Documentation must include a certificate of attendance and a program outline or objectives. One hour for each hour of attendance.

Are your courses AOTA approved?

Not at this time. Being an AOTA approved provider is not a requirement for CE credit (and it is a very expensive process). As a small CE provider, we do hope to go through this process in the near future but for now we want to keep creating great courses!