Safety first!

This course is not just for your patients. It is also for YOU. Healthcare professionals are at risk for injury and burnout. Self-treatment should be as much a part of your life as it is your clients.

The safety agreement below is for YOU! I want you to be safe during this course.

I also invite you to use this as a safety waiver for your future courses. If you are part of a larger organization, you may want to recruit your legal advisor to review your waiver or instruct you on the best way to protect yourself and your organization when offering something new to your clients.


  • Acute injuries: Avoid foam rolling directly on injured areas.
  • Osteoporosis: Individuals with osteoporosis should refrain due to the risk of fractures.
  • Blood clotting disorders: Those with conditions like deep vein thrombosis, as foam rolling may dislodge blood clots.
  • Advanced diabetes: Especially in neuropathy cases, there may be reduced sensitivity to pain or injury.
  • Skin conditions: Open wounds or severe varicose veins in the area to be rolled.
  • Pregnancy: Certain positions may not be safe.
  • Cancer: Especially those with bone cancer or tumors, due to the potential risk of spreading cancer cells. Do NOT apply pressure directly over a known cancer area. Working away from any known areas may be safe.

In my workshops, I allow people with any condition to attend. They, of course, sign a waiver (see below), and we review all the precautions. I remind everyone they signed a waiver and that we are in a group setting. In a group setting, this may be the first time I've met some of the attendees, so they are responsible for keeping themselves safe.

The principles I follow promote a very gentle approach, and my tools are very soft. I discourage working in certain areas for specific issues. Still, the same clients can often benefit from working in other areas of the body due to the interconnectedness of the fascia. For example, a woman with osteoporosis may get tremendous relief from working on her feet, hips, or thighs while avoiding the spine.

The Waiver I Use for Classes and Workshops

I use an automated waiver system. When anyone signs up for classes or workshops, they must complete the waiver before they can complete their registration. This electronic waiver is kept on file in my system. You may not have this option. A printed waiver with a place to sign and date is just fine. You'll have to determine a process to save them. DO NOT skip the waiver process. You never know what may happen.

The Waiver

I voluntarily agree to participate in the activities being provided by Mayer Wellness. I understand that if for any reason I am unable to or think it unwise to engage in any activity being suggested by Mayer Wellness, I am under no obligation to engage in such activity, nor will I hold Mayer Wellness or its respective agents (i.e., directors, officers, employees, independent contractors, service providers and any third parties acting on its behalf), liable for any damage, injury or harm sustained from choosing to engage in any activity. I also understand that there are unanticipated risks during any activity. I hereby assume all risks of injury to me and my property which may be sustained in connection with these activities. I agree that in the event, Mayer Wellness determines I need medical or psychological attention, Mayer Wellness has the authority and discretion to contact emergency services. Any costs incurred for such services are my sole responsibility. I understand that my participation in any activity is at the discretion of Mayer Wellness. If, in the opinion of Mayer Wellness, I am unable to continue in an activity for any reason, I may be asked to stop or leave. 

In many of our in-person events, we take photos for promotional purposes. If you do not wish to have your photo taken, please let us know. 

By pressing “I agree” below, I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to this document and that I have had the opportunity to ask Mayer Wellness any further questions I may have had related to this document prior to pressing “I agree” below. I also represent that I am of legal age and signing this document of my own free will. Please send any questions to [email protected] prior to pressing “I agree.” 

Please read this page carefully and proceed through this course with caution!

It is strongly recommended you consult with your primary health practitioner before starting any new exercise or stretching program. *

Here are some additional recommendations before proceeding with this course.

  • Ease up or stop immediately if you feel sharp pain that makes you tense up or want to hold your breath.
  • Be aware of discomfort or tenderness. Any tenderness should feel therapeutic. 
  • BE VERY CAREFUL if you have injuries or scars that are not fully healed. You should NOT work in those areas of your body until they are fully healed.
  • Follow any precautions or limitations your healthcare practitioner has given you.
  • Stay away from bony areas if you have osteoporosis. 
  • Be extra gentle if you are taking blood thinners.
  • Use the recommended equipment for this course. Using tools that are too hard can be damaging to your tissues.

*Proceeding with this program indicates you understand and agree to the above and will follow the principles provided in this course.

Complete and Continue  