Meet the instructor.

Hi, I'm Amy! Welcome!

I've helped improve the lives of people with pain for over three decades. I'm an advanced myofascial release practitioner. I combine this skill with my doctorate-level training as an occupational therapist and certifications in yoga, holistic stress management, Reiki, and natural movement. 

During my career in healthcare and academia, I have been recognized for excellence in teaching and leadership in wellness programming. I love taking complex information and making it digestible for everyone.

My passion is assisting people with breaking the pain cycle and empowering them to take control of their pain with practical strategies that easily mesh with everyday life. 

I'm also a mom and grandma. I'm in my late 50s, and my primary goals in life are staying active and pain-free so I can keep up with my grandkids and do the work I love!

I practice what I teach!

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