An introduction to fascia.

If you are taking this course, you are already interested in fascia. Most of us were not taught about the importance of fascia in our education. Depending on when you went to school, the world may not have known how important fascia would become in understanding the human body.

The research is pouring out and will profoundly impact how we treat our clients and patients and shape the recommendations we provide to them on caring for themselves.

If you haven't watched my free introductory video on fascia, it is linked below. Watching this video will help you understand the importance of fascia well beyond its influence on pain and mobility.

If you want to go ALL IN on learning about fascia science and fascia-informed wellness, our course Integrating Fascia Science into Occupational Therapy Practice: Elevating Our Understanding of the Human Body and Improving Our Outcomes will go deep into fascia science and get you in the know on the science most relevant to our practice as therapy practitioners.

Why should you go all in?

One of the most common comments from our workshop attendees is, "How do we not know this?" The information about fascia is out there, but it is not common knowledge. They are fascinated and very interested!

We weave in fascia facts throughout the workshop. This works well because the stretches and releases are held for several minutes, providing us with a natural opportunity to educate. The free class will give you several facts you can use, but the full course will take you 1000 times deeper. Knowing the science in addition to the facts will help you answer the questions you are sure to get from your attendees.

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