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Posture, Fascia, and Your Health: The Missing Ingredient to Your Healthy Lifestyle!
Section 1: Introduction
Meet the Instructor
Health and Safety Precautions
How to Use this Course
Fascia Basics
Key Points
Section 2: YOUR Posture and Alignment
Posture Versus Alignment (4:44)
Going Beyond "Stand Up Straight" (7:22)
Take the Test (24:21)
Now What?
Key Points From YOUR Posture & Alignment
Section 3: Outside Influences on Your Posture
Cultural and Environmental Influences Self-Assessment
Marketing and External Influences on Your Posture
Prolonged Sitting and Your Posture
Stress, Anger, Mental Health, and Your Posture (10:22)
Key Points from Outside Influences on Your Posture
Section 4: How the Postures You Choose Influence Your Life
How Posture Is Related to Confidence, Performance, and Beauty
How Posture Affects Your Health
Posture and Pain
Key Points From How the Posture You Choose Influences Your Life
Section 5: How to Improve Your Posture and Your Alignment
Posture First, Then Alignment Review
Do I Need to be a Posture Robot? Create a Great Posture Home Base
Changing Your Environmental Influences
Prepare Your Strategy
The First Steps to Posture Improvement: The Feet
Improving Posture Above the Feet: Working Upwards
Fascia-Focused Stretching for Alignment Correction: The Basics
Incorporating Fascia Focused Stretching: Lower Body (20:04)
Incorporating Fascia Focused Stretching: Upper Body (34:06)
Tummy Time
The Long Term Plan
Key Points From How to Improve Your Posture & Alignment
Section 6: Wrap Up
Course Quiz
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