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A Beginner's Guide to Myofascial Release Self-Treatment
Introduction to the course.
Meet the instructor.
Safety first!
An introduction to fascia. (8:52)
The Myofascial Principles (10:11)
Space and Equipment (5:21)
Diaphragmatic Breathing (3:28)
Complete the personalized pain assessment and learn how to determine the releases YOU need most.
Applying the principles to stretches you can do with basic equipment anywhere.
Stretches for the lower body. (20:31)
Stretches for the back. (6:20)
Stretches for the shoulders. (14:51)
Stretches for the neck. (10:10)
Using simple equipment to advance your stretching skills.
A Quick Review
Releasing the feet. (7:08)
Releasing the calves and thighs. (33:38)
Releasing the hips. (14:45)
Releasing the low and mid-back. (20:43)
Releasing the upper back and shoulders. (15:58)
Releasing the neck and jaw. (13:31)
Post stretching movement recommendations.
Drink water.
Simple movement recommendations to support your healing. (15:35)
Creating your plan for healing and wellness.
Creating your myofascial self-care plan.
Recommendations for improving fascia wellness.
Thank you!
Bonus Material! Three full length myofascial stretching classes with several new self-care releases!
Stretch Along with Me
Lower Body Class (56:24)
Upper Body Class (57:11)
Common Trouble Spots: Back, Shoulders, Knees (55:32)
Four Standing Stretches (34:02)
eBook Bonus
Quiz and Certificate
Fascia Quiz
Continuing Education for Health and Wellness Professionals
Course Feedback Survey
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Releasing the feet.
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