This course is only available through our membership option


enrollment is limited to practitioners who have taken at least one of our courses.

With this once per month opportunity, we want to support you in integrating the content of our courses into your practice. We have created the opportunity to continue to learn and discuss in a live format. The research on fascia is pouring out so quickly, we created this space where we can share and discuss this information. 

Once per month Zoom calls include:

  • Problem solving and case studies.
  • Sharing ideas, innovation and resources.
  • Sharing what's new in fascia science.
  • Live Q and A.
  • CE Opportunities
  • Members can also submit questions ahead of time for us to research and share at our meetings.
Replays of all meetings are available.

Why do we limit participation to practitioners who have taken our courses?

Our live meetings focus on the application fascia science, building on a solid foundation of established knowledge. There are many ideas, myths, and misconceptions about fascia, and to ensure productive discussions, it is crucial that all members share a common understanding. A strong group is built on a solid foundation.

We invite varied opinions and different interpretations. Disagreement when shared respectfully is a key element for growth. We value curiosity and aim to create a safe space for learning.

Let's Jam About Fascia

We value creativity!

A jam session is a relatively informal musical event, process, or activity where musicians, typically instrumentalists, play improvised solos and vamp over tunes, drones, songs, and chord progressions (Wikipedia).

Musicians know when two or more people with similar interests and skills come together to play, everyone improves. This is why we created this learning community for our students.

Enroll Today!

  New section
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Meeting Dates and Times
Available in days
days after you enroll


Everyone who has taken any course we offer, including our free course, can be part of our free online community.

You'll find the opportunity to join in the dashboard of your free or paid practitioner-facing course.