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Move Better to Feel Better and Live Your Best Life: A Fascia-Informed Approach.
Welcome and Introduction
The Functionally Fit Workbook
What is Functionally Fit?
How did I get this way?
It's normal to not want to exercise.
How is fascia the secret ingredient?
Getting Functionally Fit: Why it is it important to you?
Taking stock.
You Have Time
Physical Readiness for Exercise
Evaluate Your Typical Day
Test Yourself (0:32)
Getting Functionally Fit: How to do it.
Perfect Your Posture (11:30)
Take a Walk (5:27)
You Must Get Down (20:37)
Shoes or No Shoes?
The Key Movements to Building Mobility and Strength
The Squat (9:37)
Floor Sitting (14:00)
Reaching and Upper Body Weight Bearing (9:48)
Layer Movement into Daily Life
Learning to Layer Your Movement
Layer In Your Squats
Layer In Your Floor Sitting
Layer in Your Reaching and Weight Bearing
Creating Your Plan
Your Plan for Becoming Functionally Fit
What's Next?
Wrap Up
Quiz and Certificate
Course Feedback
Continuing Education for Health and Wellness Professionals
Teach online with
The Squat
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