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Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction: Eliminate Your Pain Naturally with a Fascia-Informed™ Approach
Introduction and Background Information
Course Introduction and FAQ (3:12)
Welcome From Your Expert Instructors
Vocabulary and Important Background Information
Setting the Foundation
A Short Jaw Anatomy Lesson
You Deserve Quality of Life!
Summary and Reflection
Evaluating Your TMD
Understanding Your Personal Pain History Will Provide Clues to Healing
Using Easy Assessment Tools to Understand Your Current Situation
Classifying Your TMD to Help Create a Plan
Summary and Reflection
Deciding Where to Begin
Deciding Where to Begin with Self-Treatment
Reducing Your Pain with Myofascial Release Self-Treatment
Safety is Paramount!
The Self-Treatment Plan: How much do I really need to do? (5:45)
Understanding and Applying the Myofascial Principles: The Key to Effective Self-Treatment (11:23)
Stretching and Moving More than Just the Jaw for Self-Treatment
Specific Self-Myofascial Release Techniques for Your Self-Treatment (15:41)
Lymphatic Drainage Techniques for Your Self-Treatment (9:04)
Looking Ahead, Summary, Reflection and Resources
Taking a Rehabilitation Approach to Regaining Strength and Function
Strategically Easing Back into the Foods and Activities You Love
Address the Root Causes of Jaw Pain to Speed Healing and Prevent Flare-Ups
Creating a Foundation for Healing Faster and Preventing Flare-Ups (5:30)
Creating a Healing Mindset
Eliminating Habits that Create Inflammation
Better Posture Equals a Healthy Jaw (14:31)
Better Breathing is Essential to Jaw Health
Body Tension Habits Can Help or Hinder Healing (30:43)
Summary and Reflection
Can The Healthy TMJ Protocol be Used with Children?
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Better Posture Equals a Healthy Jaw
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