What is Functionally Fit?

Functionally Fit

What does it mean to be functionally fit? Being functionally fit means having a body that can meet the demands of daily life, meet unexpected demands, and meet future demands.

Functionally fit does NOT mean having a body that can be on the cover of a fitness magazine. There are methods of exercise and dieting that can help you achieve that if that is your goal. BUT, I would suggest before you try to do that, you get functionally fit first. Bodies that our culture deems as "perfect," meaning young, slim, and toned, are not necessarily healthy and fit. You can be all those things but still be prone to injury and unable to do a simple squat.

I propose that if you become functionally fit first, you stand a better chance of proceeding to a greater weight loss or fitness goal if that is what you desire. For now, becoming functionally fit will lead to greater day-to-day and future happiness because you can do all the activities you need and want to do.


Functionally Fit is having a body that can meet the demands of daily life, meet unexpected demands, and meet future demands.

Daily life demands:

  • Doing household chores such as laundry and vacuuming.
  • Getting in and out of a car.
  • Going up and down the stairs.
  • Caring for children or pets.
  • Walking while shopping at a large department store.
  • Lawn or garden care.
  • Opening and closing a window to let in the breeze.

person on the floor with their dog

Unexpected life demands:

  • Stumbling over a pet or item on the floor.
  • Moving furniture to clean a spill.
  • Opening a heavy door on a windy day.
  • Taking several flights of stairs when the elevator is broken.
  • Getting out of your friend's very small car.
  • Long car rides.
  • Reaching an item that fell under the bed.

person descending stairs

Future life demands:

  • Preventing falls as we age.
  • Staying engaged in activities you love.
  • Traveling during retirement.
  • Playing with grandkids at the park.
  • Preventing body breakdown, which leads to injury, surgery, and debility.

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